Comfort Inn in Ashville, NC
Justin Packing
The side cases on the FJR are simultaneously worse and better than the BMW side bags. They are worse in two points. First when following Justin, I noticed they shake around a little on the bike when empty. Second, the latching handle mechanism is a little weird. BMW's feels more confidence inspiring. However, they are better (perhaps much better) then BMW's in several respects. First, both of them will hold my XL full face Arai, neither BMW case would accept it. In fact, the bags are nicely cavernous w/o any internal protrusions messing up the packing space. Secondly, they are painted and I noticed that scuff marks that seem to permanently mar the BMW bags come off with the wipe of a finger. Thirdly, it is impossible for the latching mechanism to grab and damage your bag liner. (On the RT, the latch mechanism had attacked my Kathy's bag, the stretchy tie-down strap, and on occassion, some other stuff I had packed!) Finally, the cases come with completely awesome bags (read: makes Kathy's bags look way cheap).
I hope to get a Givi sometime in the future, but for now, I'm definitely good to go w/just the side cases.
Copyright © 2004 Christopher T. Forand
NIKON D70 using 18.0-70.0(mm) F3.5-F4.5 at 25 mm on 8/14/2004 10:10:35 AM
Exp 1/250 sec, F8 at ISO 200 using Program Normal 0 EV, Multi-Segment,
WB Auto, Sharpening Auto, Tone Auto, Hue 0, NR Off, Single autofocus (AF-S)