Comfort Inn in Ashville, NC
Justin, Chris, Dad Pose
To help me out with my trip back to MD, we all agree to head north and west . So, here we are in Asheville, NC the morning following our N. Georgia tour and Deal's Gap ride. It was a great morning, which was a refreshing sight considering that my wife was calling me telling me the entire east coast was being destroyed by hurricanes and the governor of NC was touting his disaster relief/cleanup plan. As the day wore on, it became a little chilly and more dreary, but it never really rained on me, so all in all, that made it just about a perfect travelling day for the haul from Asheville to Severn, MD.
Copyright © 2004 Christopher T. Forand
NIKON D70 using 18.0-70.0(mm) F3.5-F4.5 at 50 mm on 8/14/2004 10:12:41 AM
Exp 1/320 sec, F9 at ISO 200 using Program Normal 0 EV, Multi-Segment,
WB Auto, Sharpening Auto, Tone Auto, Hue 0, NR Off, Single autofocus (AF-S)