It's hard to fathom it, but the Overlook is up there somewhere. I don't know if it's in this frame or not, but you get the idea. A couple of hours ago, we were up there and now we're down here!
From the overlook down into the park is quite a hike. The ride was superb. The road was good, fast, and nearly devoid of all other human life. We went whatever speed felt good, and it was fast... Some of the bolders near the road that had broken off the cliffs were actually the sizes of cars, buses, and sometimes even houses. Unbelievable!
Christopher T. Forand - 2005
NIKON D70 using at 34 mm on 8/11/2005 3:54:43 PM
Exp 1/500 sec, F11 at using Program Normal 0 EV, Multi-Segment,
WB Auto White Balance, Sharpening , Tone , Hue , NR ,